Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jiggity Jig

I'm home again! It's been great to spend the last few days with family again. I sorely missed our family get-togethers with my grandparents and the McGhans, so I was happy to have a weekend full of family.

I got into town on Christmas Eve. I was looking for some harp music in the dining room when I heard the front door open and a very familiar voice sing out, "TARA!" It was Laura, with Jason tagging along behind. I knew at that point that I was home.

As we pulled into the church parking lot for our Christmas Eve service, I saw my grandparents getting out of their car. I begged my dad to stop the car right there, so I could jump out and give them a huge hug. It's great to be back with them again.

I was given a lovely welcome back from everyone at church. It was wonderful to receive all the hugs--and teasing--that I missed during the school year. A couple people at church have been so kind and sending me little cards and such during the school year. It's been a huge encouragement to me, so I was glad to be able to give those people hugs and thank them in person. :)

Everyone gathered at the McGhans for Christmas Day. I remember when I was little, I thought it was so unfair that we always had Christmas at their house because I didn't like having to pack up my presents to show them. I have since gotten over myself. Also, this year my most interesting present is easily transportable. Stefan gave it to me, telling me that it was something to help me when I'm stressed...

I thought it was a whisk, and was wondering if perhaps Stefan had been researching the benefits of beating eggs to relieve stress. Think of how productive that would be! I'd become the Omelet Queen every finals week. I could bring souffles to my professors!

But it wasn't a whisk. (I'm not going to abandon the egg-beating method! I think I'm on to something...)

It's actually a head massager, and it feels divine. Stefan, I forgive you for breaking our "not exchanging gifts" pact.

It turns out I had a gift for Stefan, too. I had bought my dad "Notes From the Tilt-a-Whirl," which is one of the best books I've read . . . I was going to qualify that with a time period such as "this year" or "lately," but I decided it doesn't need to be qualified. It's one of the best books I've read, period. It turns out that my dad had already bought the book, so I gave it to Stef instead. I gave it to Leah for her birthday in November, so I think my family should have a Tilt-a-Whirl book club. The only one who doesn't own a copy is me. Ironic.

On Boxing Day (that's so much quainter than "the day after Christmas"), we spent some time with our friends from Orlando. We played Balderdash, and somehow nobody was convinced that in Apple Valley, California, it is illegal for ducks to poop on the apples. Hmph.

That night, we had another family get-together at my grandparents' house. My grandma crocheted me a hat for Christmas, and I am almost excited to get back to freezing Moscow just so I can wear it.

(Not really. I love my hat, but I don't miss the cold. It's in the 60's right now...absolutely delightful! I love being able to wear short sleeves, I love that my breath is invisible again, and I love that I can go to the beach later this week!)

Today, we had a baby shower for Leah and Seth at church. The ladies at church did a fantastic job decorating. I'd forgotten how cute baby boy stuff can be! As I sat with my sister, watching her opening gifts and writing down what she'd received, something felt eerily familiar.

And then I remembered. A year and a half ago, I was sitting in the same spot, writing down her wedding gifts. How quickly that time has gone! It's so wonderful to see how God pours out His blessings on us.

I absolutely can't wait for Seth to get here! I talk to him whenever I get the chance, and my hands are well-acquainted with my sister's adorably rounded stomach. I'm sad that I won't be able to see him until Spring Break (about a month after his due date), but I'm grateful that I won't have to wait until summer.

Whew. It's been a busy weekend. It has finally quieted down somewhat, so I made a list of things to accomplish during break. It's 133 words long, and I haven't finished yet. One of the items reads "Get sufficient sleep," but I'm afraid that fulfilling that goal will exclude the possibility of accomplishing the others. Oh well.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Not dead, just resting...

This blog post is dedicated to my father, who just texted me and told me to update. Hi, Dad. You might be my only reader at this point, but you're worth it.

Since I last updated, I have flown cross-country, spent Thanksgiving in GA, flown back cross-country, finished out my second term of school, and flown cross-country again. I am sick of airline food. Or at least I would be if I got any. Anyway, I'm here in GA with Leah and David right now, but we're driving down to FL tomorrow.

I've had a lot of fun with the Johnsons. One night, we went to a crazy fondue place called Dante's Down the Hatch. I felt like I was eating in the middle of a Disney ride. There was a pirate ship to my left, crocodiles swimming around it, and wax figures of Mark Twain and Einstein leering over my shoulder. Dante himself visited our table and we chatted with him for awhile...he told my sister that he would be happy to deliver her child, and that we could eat free if they named him Dante. Somehow, I think they are turning down the offer.

We also went to Centennial Olympic Park to look at lights and ice-skate, but we decided it wasn't worth it to wait in line for hours to skate on an incredibly tiny, Zamboni-less rink, so we just walked around.

Today, we watched a precious little neighbor boy while his brother was born. David and Leah were great substitute parents, so I know they'll do a great job with Seth. (Because I was really worried before....haha). Speaking of little Seth, I got to feel him hiccough the other day. It was amazing...he's so active. I can't wait until he's born, especially after spending the morning with such a sweet little boy. I want a nephew!

I'm sure there is more I could say, but my brain is a bit foggy right now. I've been sleeping for 11-12 hours a night, which makes me lethargic all day long. I've been blaming it on jet lag, but I'm not sure how much longer that excuse will hold out. I think I just need to stop being lazy and find something to occupy my days while school's out.