Friday, June 24, 2011

In which I am a geek...

I need to geek out about something right now.

This is not normal for me. And if you doubt that, then you clearly need a lesson on the difference between “nerd” and “geek.” I can nerd it up with the best of them, but I lack the technological interest and know-how required to be a geek.

But tonight I discovered a program for my Mac that has me bouncing off the walls screaming, “I LOVE TECHNOLOGY! YEEHAW!” (This is one of the perks of having the basement to myself…)

It all started when I was cleaning my room. I was overwhelmed by how many books I’ve amassed since I came out here to college, and I really just wanted to get them organized. (I have this weird thing where the rest of my room can be a complete and total wreck…but so long as my books are organized, I don't even notice the squalor in which I'm living)

Since I catalogue books at my job fairly frequently, I’ve used a couple library programs, and I know how tedious it can be to type in all the information (especially ISBN numbers…bleh!)…so, I turned to my friend Google and thus I discovered BookHunter.

Basically, it's a library program for people to catalogue books they own and keep track of what they've lent out (and to whom...super handy!). I've used some pretty clunky library programs, so I really appreciate that this one is sleek and shiny (yes, I'm all about the looks...). It's looks a bit like iTunes, and it's really easy to use.

And if that were all, I probably wouldn't have written this blog post. But that's not all. Oh no. Let me tell you about....the scanner.

Let's say you want to add a book. One click, and up pops a "New Book" window. Now, you could spend the next ten minutes of your life finding all the relevant information and typing it in...but who wants to do that? Instead, you can just click this little button that activates a scanner on your webcam. Hold the barcode of your book up to the camera, and voila! It reads the barcode on your book and automatically fills in all the information from Author, title, illustrator, publisher, ISBN number, cover art…everything you could possibly need to know. BAM. Just like that.

Is that not the niftiest feature ever?!

Words cannot explain how exciting I find this. You should hear my little giggle of triumph with each book I scan into the system. Who cares if I’m twenty…I can still play Library, right?

Ok. Enough blogging. I have books to scan!

P.S. Turns out I have 101 books (not dalmatians) out here in Idaho. Back in Florida, there are three or four huge Tupperware bins in my dad's garage stuffed full of books. I know what I'll be doing as soon as I get home! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Bus Ride

It’s been awhile since I updated, and I have no real excuse. School is out for the summer. I have very little that needs to be done, and lots of time to do it in. This is the exact opposite of my life during the school year. Feast or famine, y’all.

I got home (“home” here defined as Idaho) about a week ago from my first real trip of the summer—a week in Washington and Oregon to visit family. David, Leah, and Seth came out to Seattle to attend David’s brother’s graduation, and I, not being able to resist the fact that three of my favorite people were going to be one state away instead of…well, however many states there are between Idaho and Maryland, just invited myself to come along and join the party. Luckily for me, the Johnsons are a wonderfully gracious bunch, and I had a blast spending the week with them. Best of all, I got to spend my birthday there surrounded by family and friends and peanut-butter pie instead of, say, reading a book alone in the basement. (Although, to be honest, that sounds fun, too…)

I was a bit loopy, however, because I’d stayed up the night before to attend the midnight showing of a certain movie that I was, oh, slightly excited about….and then I came home, packed for a few hours, went to Winco to pick up snacks, sleepily drove for an hour and forty-five minutes (forcing myself to sing at the top of my lungs to whatever song my iPod shuffled too…I had a sore throat by the time I arrived, but at least I was alive!), arrived at my roommate’s house, so she could drop me off at the bus station, and then….well, then…I met my fellow bus passengers.

The scene: I have just arrived at the bus station. I find my gate (is it a gate if it’s not an airport?), scan the available seats, avoid the ones in close proximity to creepy men, and choose one next to a pajama-clad young woman.

“Are you going on the west-bound bus?” she asks.


“Oh good! Me too! I was so worried that I was in the wrong spot, so I just wanted to make sure. This is my first time riding a bus before, and I have a long trip ahead of me.”

“Oh, yeah? Where are you headed?”



“Yeah, I lived there for about a year with my fiancĂ©, and then I came back to Spokane…but actually, my fiance and I, like, just had a miscarriage, and I was like *@#$ this, I’m tired of all this *$%&, I’m moving back in with you!”

“….oh…I’m sorry…”

“Yeah. But anyway. See this bag here? It’s full of every single, &*$%ing food you could ever imagine, and I got it all with food stamps! You’re welcome to any of it. Hey, do you think we could maybe hang out today? Like, sit together?”

“Oh…well…sure,” I responded weakly.

After enduring a few more profanity-laced tales, I realized I had essentially signed up for eight hours of craziness and desperately tried to backpedal.

“You know,” I said. “I’ve been up all night, and it looks like there aren’t going to be that many people on the bus. We could probably even each get a row to ourselves. That’s probably what I’m going to try to do.”

“Yeah…but then…what if someone else sits next to you?”

“Well…yeah. That could happen.”

My non-committal response did not sway her. From then on, she and I were a “we.” As in, a few minutes later, “Hey, shouldn’t we get in line now?”

The bus wasn’t leaving for a good half-hour, and although a few people were in line, the doors weren’t even open yet. I told her I was going to wait, but that she should feel free to go ahead. She stayed seated beside me. We were a team, after all.

After approximately thirty seconds of waiting, she sprang out of her chair, turned to me, and said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…I can’t do this anymore. I have to get in line. I’m so sorry.”

And with that, our sitting-together pact was broken. Sometimes fickleness is a beautiful thing.

I boarded the bus and found an empty row, strategically placed my jacket on the other seat, leaned back, and attempted to sleep. It was a good plan. People either assumed I was saving the seat for someone else, or they just didn’t want to wake me up to ask. Yes, I am sneaky and selfish. I’m working on it. But five minutes before our departure, I still had a row all to myself. I was thrilled. Maybe I could catch up on some sleep after all!

And then…they walked in. An elderly couple, shuffling down the aisle, looking for two seats together. They made it to the end of the bus without any luck. “Well,” said the husband. “I don’t think we can sit together.” I was still pretending to be asleep, but I could hear the sadness in his voice.

And I tried to justify it to myself. Oh, I tried. Tara, you were here early enough to get a good seat. You staked your claim, and it’s rightfully yours! You haven’t slept at all…you could actually spread out and get some sleep here! Let someone else give up their row. And hey – it’s your birthday! Let this be a gift to yourself!

But I couldn’t do it. If I were married, I would want to sit next to my husband...and the fact that the couple was elderly just clinched it. I gave up my seat, and with it, my happiness.

Not really. It’s just that I ended up in a broken seat that didn’t recline. It had neither footrest nor armrest, nor was there was no room for my legs because my seatmate and I both had too much luggage. Pajama Lady’s craziness began to look appealing in comparison. I blared gospel music in my ears until I sort of fell asleep. Luckily, the bus stopped thirty minutes later, and I grabbed a seat next to a sweet elderly woman at the front of the bus. Honestly, there must have been twice as much leg room…and the footrest worked! I was just thrilled.

Eventually, the sweet elderly woman got off the bus, and my new seatmate—a woman in her forties—plopped down next to me and asked, “Is this the bus to Seattle? I’m nervous because this is my first bus ride.”

Apparently, I attract people who don’t know what they’re doing. I’d like to think this is because I look so calm and self-assured, but I’m starting to wonder if they’re just looking for someone as clueless as they are. Anyway, this woman and I pretty much left each other alone after that first conversation. The one thing that struck me as odd is that she didn’t bring anything to do while she was on the bus…and if I recall, she was catching a bus in Seattle and would be travelling for another half-day after that. Yet – no book, no magazine, no music. She just had a tiny purse and, presumably, a checked bag. She couldn’t even stare at the window, because my pillow and I were blocking most of the view. She didn’t sleep. She just sat there.

When she wasn’t dancing, that is.

About ten minutes after she sat down, I noticed her bopping up and down in her seat. I started to think perhaps she was hinting that my music was too loud. I turned it down. She kept bopping. I turned it down even more. Nope, still bopping. I turned it off – but even then she continued on her merry ol’ bopping way. I shrugged, turned my music back up, and went back to sleep.

So I guess if you don’t bring anything to do on a bus, you can always dance.

Well – eventually, I arrived, and seeing everyone was totally worth enduring the weirdos on the bus. We had dinner and dessert, and I got to sleep in a bed for the first time in 36 hours. It was wonderful.

More later...