Friday, June 24, 2011

In which I am a geek...

I need to geek out about something right now.

This is not normal for me. And if you doubt that, then you clearly need a lesson on the difference between “nerd” and “geek.” I can nerd it up with the best of them, but I lack the technological interest and know-how required to be a geek.

But tonight I discovered a program for my Mac that has me bouncing off the walls screaming, “I LOVE TECHNOLOGY! YEEHAW!” (This is one of the perks of having the basement to myself…)

It all started when I was cleaning my room. I was overwhelmed by how many books I’ve amassed since I came out here to college, and I really just wanted to get them organized. (I have this weird thing where the rest of my room can be a complete and total wreck…but so long as my books are organized, I don't even notice the squalor in which I'm living)

Since I catalogue books at my job fairly frequently, I’ve used a couple library programs, and I know how tedious it can be to type in all the information (especially ISBN numbers…bleh!)…so, I turned to my friend Google and thus I discovered BookHunter.

Basically, it's a library program for people to catalogue books they own and keep track of what they've lent out (and to whom...super handy!). I've used some pretty clunky library programs, so I really appreciate that this one is sleek and shiny (yes, I'm all about the looks...). It's looks a bit like iTunes, and it's really easy to use.

And if that were all, I probably wouldn't have written this blog post. But that's not all. Oh no. Let me tell you about....the scanner.

Let's say you want to add a book. One click, and up pops a "New Book" window. Now, you could spend the next ten minutes of your life finding all the relevant information and typing it in...but who wants to do that? Instead, you can just click this little button that activates a scanner on your webcam. Hold the barcode of your book up to the camera, and voila! It reads the barcode on your book and automatically fills in all the information from Author, title, illustrator, publisher, ISBN number, cover art…everything you could possibly need to know. BAM. Just like that.

Is that not the niftiest feature ever?!

Words cannot explain how exciting I find this. You should hear my little giggle of triumph with each book I scan into the system. Who cares if I’m twenty…I can still play Library, right?

Ok. Enough blogging. I have books to scan!

P.S. Turns out I have 101 books (not dalmatians) out here in Idaho. Back in Florida, there are three or four huge Tupperware bins in my dad's garage stuffed full of books. I know what I'll be doing as soon as I get home! :)


  1. You make me smile! Enjoy!

  2. The thing about stalking you is that it's rather time-consuming what with my busy life and all. Can you recommend any apps that would make stalking easier?
