Thursday, October 1, 2009


We have one final tomorrow, and then a bunch more next week. Eek.

I just want to pass, and I don't want to cry during any of oral exams. Given the comments I've heard from teachers and my history of being less than stoic under pressure, this may be a problem . . . and unfortunately, once my lower lip starts quivering, there's no going back.

I laugh whenever I remember how we gathered around my sister minutes before her wedding to pray for her. I got as far as, "Dear God, thank you for Leah..." and then I choked. I tried to compose myself, but it just wasn't happening. I didn't want to risk ruining my makeup five minutes before ceremony, so I just ended my very profound prayer there. At that point, Leah was probably wondering why she was letting me speak at the reception!

Anyway. I'm going to get back to studying. Tomorrow is going to be a rough day, but hey...I get to wear jeans and a sweatshirt to school for once. And behold, there was much rejoicing in Tara's closet. You have no idea how stoked I am that I don't have to hurt my brain tomorrow trying to come up with a warm outfit that doesn't break the dress code. Ahh, must go shopping for cold-weather dress clothes!


  1. Tara, I will be praying for you as you go through your tests. Don't suppose it will help you to know that we are just beginning a week's vacation here... and currently there's 2 typhoons and a tropical storm, all possibly headed our way. Could make for an interesting vacation. I could do with a little of your cold I sit here in shorts and sleeveless shirt...

  2. Tara, we will be thinking and praying for you too! I'm sure you'll do great. Just don't think about weddings. :) Dad and Tomas got here safely yesterday evening and it's been fun visiting with them. Our Fernandez reunion isn't the same without you though! Can't wait until Thanksgiving. Then you and I can go shopping together--you for warmer clothes, me for clothes that fit! MIss you.

  3. Why do you get to wear casual clothes today?

  4. Beckie, I hope you stay safe during the typhoons! I wish I could send you some of this cool weather!

    Leah, I can't wait until Thanksgiving either. I miss you so much. It'll be fun to go shopping together again...and finally, when I accidentally pick out cute maternity clothes, I'll have someone to give them to! ;)

    We get to wear jeans every Friday of Week Seven, as long as we're also sporting a NSA shirt or hoodie.
