Sunday, September 27, 2009

I got an e-mail informing me that this was the weekend at Kennedy Space Center where all the Floridians get in free if they bring a food item for the food drive. The normal rates for KSC are ridiculous, but definitely worth a can of corn. ;)

The last two years, I've tagged along with David and Leah, because they're just nice like that, and I have to admit that instead of writing Rhetoric and Lordship papers this weekend, I would have much preferred to be walking around sunny FL with them eating Dippin' Dots and watching 3-D movies about space. I miss you, Johnsons! :)

But I actually ended up having a fascinating discussion about space and eternity with one of my roomies yesterday as we munched on fries from Jack-in-the-Box (creepiest fast food mascot ever), so I celebrated space weekend in my own special way. ;)

Speaking of fast food, I've heard rumors that Chick-Fil-A is opening up in Boise. That's about six hours away from me, but hey--it's a start. I think they should get rid of the disturbing Jack-in-the-Box here in town and stick in a place with non-creepy cows who wear signboards. Nobody's scared of them--they can't even spell!

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