Friday, September 4, 2009

Cough, cough...

I was hoping I could magically bypass all sicknesses for the next four academic years. That didn't work out so well.

Something seems to be going around. I have a sore throat and possibly a very low fever. Maybe this is just my body revolting against me for not getting enough sleep last night. Thursday nights are always really stressful, so I need to plan better in the future. Going to bed at 2am and still having to wake up at 7am to finish your reading is not a good idea, especially when you have to take school pictures the next day. Here's hoping they crop me out...

I came home from pictures and just crashed. That's right people; I actually took a nap. I got up, ate dinner, and now I'm planning to go back to bed. Unfortunately, there's a party I'd really like to go to tonight, but I think I just need to rest tonight...


  1. You poor thing! Try to take it easy, if you can. Wish I could bring you some chicken soup. :)

  2. Grandma says, "REST, drink lots of liquids, and eat your veggies". Hope you will feel better real soon.

  3. The sore throat/low fever/cough is spreading like wildfire at my school. I would think it were swine flu, but it isn't like a severe flu for anyone. When Greg had the swine flu over the summer, it was like a really bad flu--he couldn't get off the couch for 10 days.

    I'll pray for you. I hope you feel better soon (if not already--I realize I am reading your blog a few days later...)

