Saturday, September 12, 2009

Harvest Ball

I think the feeling a girl gets after a night of dancing should be encapsulated and sold as happy pills.

I have been really stressed out this weekend. I probably should be right now, but I'm not. I'm still on my dancing high. That dancing probably worked off a few dozen freeze pops, too. Not that I eat a lot of freeze pops or anything. Cough.

Church is tomorrow, which means I have to wake up in time to go. Heh, I should get to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Just got caught up on reading all. I to, like grandma, have noticed how late you are up-you need to get your sleep!!! Your paper is way over my head-glad I am not in college, would never make it. So glad you are having a grand time. love, Aunt Suzanne
