Saturday, September 12, 2009

For Dad...


The idea that Christian daughters may not attend college is a misapplication of Biblical headship.


Headship is defined as “authority” or “leadership,” and the Bible is quite clear that a father is the head of his daughter. However, in some Christian circles, the definition of Biblical headship has been wrongly narrowed to mean that a daughter can only be under her father’s authority if she lives in his house. Though some daughters may desire to formally continue their education outside their home, this narrow view of headship forces them to squelch those desires and label them as feministic and rebellious. However, the authority structure does not crumble the moment a young daughter steps outside her father’s house. A daughter can still recognize her father as her authority, even if thousands of miles separate them. This is because submission is primarily a matter of attitude, not location.

Part of a father’s responsibility as the head of a household is to ensure that his children grow into responsible, godly adults. If a daughter’s God-given talents would be best developed outside the home, a father should give his blessing to her pursuits, trusting that she is the kind of daughter who would not abuse her liberty.


  1. Yay! Thanks for posting this! Is this your abstract? You'll have to post the rest of your paper as you work on it. Good work...I like your argument. :)

  2. The abstract was for Lordship. It's not post-worthy yet. ;) What I posted are the portions of my Rhetoric paper that I had to read at Declamations. I'll post my narratio next week--the whole paper isn't due until the end of the term, so you'll have to be patient. :)
