Saturday, September 26, 2009

Puer est!

Aunt Tara. Yeah, I like the sound of that. I can’t wait to hear my little nephew squeal it whenever I visit him . . . as long as he’s squealing out of excitement, not terror.

But I'm jumping ahead of myself. The poor kid's still unnamed and unborn. I'll let him delay learning my name until he's ex utero, but once the doctor slaps his little rear, I expect him to start working on the T sound. I've heard that's a hard one for kids.

Oh, funny story....I was chatting with Uncle Tomas on Facebook this afternoon. At one point, he wrote, "Yeah, I can’t wait to hold my little niece in my arms.”

Wait, what?

I’m not going to lie. I actually entertained the notion that David and Leah had told everyone that it was a girl except me, since I was predicting that it was a girl all along. (NOTE: Predicting a girl is not the same thing as exclusively desiring a girl. Mmkay? Mmkay.)

Around the time that I realized that Leah would never do such a cruel thing, Tomas helpfully typed “JK” into the chatbox. Phew. I wasn’t misinformed.

I'm thinking that maybe ignorance was bliss, however. Now I'm plagued with the desire to rush out and buy every bit of baby boy paraphernalia in this solar system. I think I need to go visit my personal banker Rachel. Maybe she can give me some helpful little financial pamphlet written for aunts who want to blow their life savings on onesies embroidered with bugs and firetrucks.

Don't let me down, Rachel.

1 comment:

  1. You really think we would have lied to you about having a boy? We wouldn't have wanted you buying dresses instead.... :)

    Hope Rachel can help you keep your spending in should help that you're not volunteering at the PRI baby shop anymore. That was hard enough for me to keep from buying stuff there before I even found out I was pregnant!
