Friday, September 18, 2009


I just realized that my blog is still set to FL time. Aha, so that's why I've been reprimanded for staying up too late! No worries, Grandma and Aunt Suzanne; I don't make a habit of going to bed at 2:30AM. I learned Week 3 that it's just not worth it. I'd rather get up early than stay up late. At this point, my dad is saying, "Who are you, and what have you done with my daughter?" No worries, Father. One look at my room right now, and you'd know it's me.

So yeah, you can pray for my roommate. . .

Haha, no. I promise it's not as bad as it was at home . . . but that's probably just because I have less stuff out here. ;)

Anyway. Moving on. I love Fridays. Thursday nights are usually filled with frantic studying and minor freak-outs in preparation for Friday, but Fridays themselves are fantastic. Latin recitations are hilarious, Lordship recitations are amazing, declamations are usually interesting, and Disputatio is just fun.

Actually, Disputatio was jaw-droppingly amazing today. If I didn't believe in the sovereignty of God, I would have to conclude that the speakers had somehow managed to peek into the deep, dark recesses of my soul and had specifically constructed a talk designed to target everything I've struggled with in the past five weeks.

That's not the first time something like that has happened out here, but it was definitely the most obvious. All I had to do was make eye contact with my roommate across the room. No words were necessary. She understood everything I was communicating. (It roughly translates to, "Oh my goodness, can you believe this is happening? How did they know? Were they hiding behind a bush when we had that conversation? Isn't God amazing?")

Yes, my eyes are talkative.

For those burning with curiosity, the lecture was on pride, humility, and comparing yourself to others. I'm guilty. Oh. So. Guilty.

So yes. I have been convicted by so much in the past few weeks, and that makes me happy.

You know what also makes me happy? Sleep.

Why do I end every blog post talking about sleep? Methinks I need to come up with more creative ways to signal the end of my post. I know!

The End.


  1. Yes indeed... sleep is a happy thing.

  2. YES! That talk was wonderful. Dr Wilson starts all our Natural History classes off with a short exhortation, and I swear he reads our minds -- it's always right on the target.

    And now, sleep. :D
