I've given up on blogging with anything resembling continuity. Randomness now reigns.
My grandparents will be happy to know that tonight I took the Jeopardy! quiz. It was great fun, but I totally flunked it. Y'all, the first question was about Dr. Seuss, and I got it wrong. What a cruel and bitter irony. Oh well. I'm more concerned about the fact that I may flunk my five-question quiz on the New Testament tomorrow. I'll take "Epistles" for 200, please....This book was written by Paul...."What is Romans?"..."Oh, no. I'm sorry. We were looking for 1 Corinthians. 1 Corinthians. But you're still in the game. We'll see if you can catch up to the other players right after this..."
I almost want to watch the Superbowl, just to see Tim Tebow's commercial. Almost.
Today, I had coffee. I like coffee. But my reactions to caffeine vary, and I never know what I'm going to get. At first, I felt extraordinarily perky and wanted to hand out lemon drops and hugs to everyone I passed in the street. And then an hour later, I felt like I'd been hit by a train. Eight hours later, and I can't get to sleep. How long does it take caffeine to leave your system anyway? From now on, I'm think I'll go with decaf. Unless it's Week 4 and I actually need to stay up all night.
Actually I shouldn't need caffeine, because I already have a favorite stimulant. My drug of choice? The Latin language. (And my father breathes a sigh of relief...because he'd rather have a nerd for a daughter than a pothead.) Anyway, I think I'm addicted, and it doesn't help that everyone at the school is enabling me.
This weekend is Prospective Student Weekend at school. I have fond memories of my trip with my dad...having fun together in Moscow, and visiting the Johnsons. I also have not-so-fond memories like realizing that it snows in March (what?!) and having my cell phone ring in the middle of a Lordship recitation. Yeah, way to be a silent observer, Tara.
The weather was gorgeous and sunny today. I think it was a birthday present from God to my roommate, who is also gorgeous and sunny.
Why does the word "gorgeous" have the word "gorge" in it? I always imagine someone glutting themselves on pie, but magically becoming beautiful in the process. What a beautiful world that would be.
People may tease short people, but there are benefits. For example, in a hug sandwich, you are the meat, not the bread. I love hug sandwiches. I also love my brother and my cousin. Miss you two!