Monday, January 11, 2010


Random thoughts about my break...

I am not a good steward of free time. I need deadlines. Pressure. Stress. Otherwise, I sleep most of the day and spend the rest of it in my pajamas. Being lazy makes me grumpy, and grumpiness doesn't motivate me to work hard at anything, so it's a vicious cycle of sloth and ennui. Sidenote: I only use the word ennui in writing, because half the time, I can't remember how to pronounce it, and the other half of the time when I do remember how to pronounce it, I also remember how incredibly pretentious it sounds, and I have so far never been able to muster up enough snobbishness to declare that I'm filled with "ohn-WEE" when I could just say that I'm plain ol' bored. I content myself with the idea that one day if I'm dining with the Duchess of Fancy French Words, I have at least one word that I can pull out of my back pocket. (Note: if I am dining with such a person, I promise I will not literally be wearing a garment with back pockets. Unless it's a barbeque.)

I was able to take two voice lessons over break, which were actually fun. I'm learning to like my voice, instead of viewing it a kid sibling who just tries to embarrass you when your friends are over. My teacher is my grandparents' neighbor, and my lessons were conveniently arranged around dinner time, so I've been able to enjoy some of my grandma's yummy cooking. I'm hoping to go back to the same teacher when I'm home for the summer...the two lessons helped, but I know I still have a loooooong way to go.

Especially when I listen to people like this...

It gives me goosebumps.

Aunt Karen, Laura, and I watched Funny Girl over break. I loved the singing, Fanny Brice makes me laugh, and as an added bonus, I also learned how to not conduct yourself in marriage. I always loved the Baby Snooks show, but now when I listen to it, I think I'm just going to be thinking about all the marital problems that woman had. The movie took major liberties, but they were liberties that painted a much *better* picture of Brice's life and marriages than what really happened.

Auntie K also taught me and Laura how to tat, and today I randomly picked up a crochet hook for the first time in about ten years. My grandma reminded me how to do it, and I'm awkwardly and painstakingly working on the single crochet stitch. I feel so incredibly I want to make a gelatin salad and ask Ward to go speak to the Beaver.

I hate the mall on weekends. It was full of goths, creepy old men, and commercialism. Thrift stores, however, rock my world. I now own not one--two!---ugly, burnt orange sweaters.

I also hate vanity sizing. It's ridiculous to have a size 0. I refuse to comment on the size 00, except for the fact that it shouldn't be in existence.

I went contra dancing, and at one point, a man grabbed my left hand, and gasped, "No ring? You're not married?!" It was awkward. I hope he didn't think I was Leah, because she is definitely still married, in case anyone was wondering.

And she's also PREGNANT. I can't wait for Seth to be born. I keep dreaming that Leah's in labor. A few nights ago, I dreamed that she kept giving birth and getting pregnant again in ridiculously short amounts of times. She ended up with three boys in a week, and I liked the third one best, because he was the cutest. Here's hoping I won't be THAT shallow of an aunt...

Last summer, I volunteered at a baby/maternity resale store connected with the pregnancy center, and since I didn't know that my niecephew was a nephew, I couldn't buy any clothes. Tomorrow, armed with the knowledge that this baby is named Seth, I'm going to go snatch up things with trains, and Pooh Bear, and things that are labeled "MY AWESOME AUNT TARA GAVE THIS TO ME BECAUSE SHE LOVES ME MORE THAN CHOCOLATE AND JEOPARDY COMBINED." Or something like that.


  1. Tara, I want you to know that I was headed to bed (I have a cold, and it's also COLD in our house...The outside temps are supposed to be down to 46 tomorrow, and when you live in a house with no head, well, enough said. I've had my long underwear on all day...well, anyway, I was on my way to bed, and saw you'd posted on your blog...That was enough to keep me up a few minutes longer until I'd read it. I was aptly rewarded with many smiles and laughs. Know that you keep your Taiwan "family" entertained with your musings...

  2. oops I meant no "heat", not no "head". I definitely need to go to bed.

  3. Streisand's politics makes me puke. Pardon my French, Lady Lavish Latin Words!


  4. The word "ennui" has triggered my automatic Gilmore Girls response.

  5. Wow, I was totally off on my guess on how to say "ennui." :)

    That's hilarious you've had such weird dreams lately. I think you are having more labor dreams than me!

  6. What is wrong with the word "ennui?" I have used it relentlessly in my teenage years! My poor parents! Thanks for reminding me of such a powerful word. And your blog is far from "ennuyeux". Merci for the entertainment:) Ahlem
