Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I fail at taking naps. I always sleep too long and end up groggy and grumpy and worse than I started. But by 4:00PM last Sunday, I realized that not taking a nap was not an option. Having Googled the best amount of time to nap, (I told you--I fail at taking naps! I need Google!) I set my alarm to go off at in thirty minutes. Thirty minutes went by. My alarm went off. I was still awake. Bah humbug. I didn't bother to get up and re-set my alarm. An hour and a half later...I was awakened from a deep sleep by my cell phone ringing. It was Stefan. We had the following conversation:

Tara: Hello...?
Stef: Hey, how's it going?
Tara: Whaaaaa...?
Stef: How's it going?
Tara: What are you saying?
Stef: How's it going? It's a contraction of "How is it going?" Are you high, or did you just wake up?
Tara: I just....woke *yawn* up.

The rest of the conversation was along those lines.

Anyway. I think I've been tired because I've been getting up at between 5:45 and 6:30 every morning since I've gotten back to Moscow. Traveling from the Eastern Time Zone is a wonderful thing. Of course, now I get tired around 10:00 every night...but I find that I'm more productive in the wee hours of the morning than I am at night anyway, so I'm trying to keep this up as long as I can. It's nearing midnight right now---the latest I've stayed up this term---but I just finished talking to my roommate, and now I'm all "waked up." Phooey on my extrovertedness. So I decided to write a blog post to bore myself back to sleep. (You're not allowed to use my blog as a cure for insomnia, however. That's just mean. You should drink warm milk instead. It'll gross you out so much that you'll want to lose consciousness for a few hours.)

The other night, I had a dream about having insomnia. That, my friends, is ironic. Buying bleu cheese wrapped in blue wax really isn't ironic, despite what the man at the Food Co-op said.

Speaking of dreaming, babies have taken over my subconscious. Leah in the hospital. Leah having twins. The Octomom painting windows for the house across the street. (What in the world did I eat that night before going to sleep?!) Babies, pregnancy, and labor have figured into all of my dreams for the past month. I keep my cell phone at all times, and every time it rings, I expect it to be Leah saying she's having Seth. I may faint from excitement when the day finally does arrive.

Our Rhetoric teacher and his wife had the class over for dessert tonight...I had a blast talking to their little sons. Little boys are so much fun. Just one more thing that makes me excited for Seth's arrival.

Ok. I'm sleepy now, so instead of telling how amazing Lordship lecture was today, I'm going to go dream about babies, and then get up and face Mozart sonatas and Latin homework. But first things first... *yawn*

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