Monday, July 6, 2009


My sister and I have always been close to each other. (Although for the first decade of our lives together, the word "close" only be used truthfully in a geographical context--it wasn't until a few years ago that the emotional closeness really kicked in. )We lived in the same house until she got married, and even after she moved out, she was just a few minutes away. I always had an apartment key and lots of pitiful excuses as to why I needed to drop by.

It's sad to think that my sister and I will have a long-distance relationship from now until...a very long time, if not forever. A few weeks before I leave for Idaho, she and her husband are off to Atlanta. (I knew I should have applied to Agnes Scott!) At least we have modern technology. She can post pictures of her food on her blog for me to drool over. Her electronic superhero of a husband can control my computer through the internet and fix all my problems. We can chat with webcams, and I know it'll be fun to swap stories about the new places and new faces we meet.

Oh great. Now I have this stuck in my head.

Old school Disney movies aside, the word "flitterin'" describes my life perfectly these days. I've realized that my time here before I leave is quickly running out. I leave August 12th, and I doubt I'll be coming back to FL until December. I've been cramming my schedule full of the things that I want to do before I go, but I have realized that even if I were to go without sleep until I leave, I wouldn't be able to do it all. How do you check things like "Spend time with friends" off your list? Can you ever spend enough time with friends? I guess that depends on the friend... ;)

At the same time, I want to enjoy my last few weeks without running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I need to schedule in time to just do nothing but savour this time here. I want to have a root beer float at that random ice cream stand I pass all the time but never stop at. I want to go visit the friends I have in my neighborhood, whom I never see despite the fact that only a few blocks separate our houses. I want to give all the elderly and sick people I know enormous hugs, just in case some of them aren't here when I get back. (My enormous hugs are not solely reserved for the sick and elderly, so if I give you one, don't automatically assume that I'm calling you old and infirm, ok?)

I know, I know. It's not like I'm leaving forever...but still, I won't be involved in people's lives here as much as I'd like. It's killing me that there will be babies born at my church, and I won't get to see them until Christmastime!

Anyway. Even though this blog entry apparently just got attacked by the Giant Nostalgia Monster, I have to say that I'm super excited about college. Yes, I will miss my hometown, but I'm looking forward to broadening my horizons. I can't wait to see what life as a college student is like. Around this time every summer, I begin to yearn for a scheduled life again. I am a horrible steward of my free time...I need a routine to feel productive!

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