Monday, July 20, 2009

Free Books...

Any takers? All are paperbacks unless otherwise noted. The red ones have already been snagged.

The cover is bent, and I pencilled my name in it...but it's definitely readable. Trivia: Carol Ryrie Brink was from Moscow, ID. :)

Old and yellowed, but not falling apart yet...

Hardback, but without the paper cover that goes on the outside of hardback books. (What is that thing called?) It is readable, but the bottom half of the book got dunked in a tub of soapy warm water. Yeah, I don't read in the bathtub anymore. Come to think of it, I also don't take baths anymore...

One of my absolute favorites. We owned a copy when I was little. I read it, hated it, and gave it away. A few years passed, and I decided to check it out at the library and give it another try. This time, I loved it so much that I went out and bought myself a copy. It's the first book I remember buying. I bought another copy at Goodwill a few years ago just because it was cheap, so it's up for grabs. It's in great condition for a paperback...

This is a book in the same series as A Wrinkle in Time. The first time I read it, I didn't like it. I thought there might be some magical wait-a-year-and-try-again formula with this one too, but I've read it multiple times, and I still don't like it. Someone take it, please...

Didn't every girl in the '90's have this book? I'm not sure that anyone will want it, seeing as it's quite easy to learn hairstyles online now. The cover is falling off, but the inside is fine.
It doesn't come with the bow-making supplies though--this is just the book.

I'm giving this away because I got a collector's set of Madeline books for Christmas one year. I was fourteen. Haha.

And these are the books I just couldn't part with...

A quick Google Images search for "dream library" produced this...

I think the drool ruined my keyboard. I would replace the busy floral sofas with simple brown leather ones and add a few rolling library ladders...and then, it would be just about perfect.

Sigh. I'm off to write the tenth commandment one hundred times...

Edit to add: I also have exactly 34 issues of Family Fun. They are from the late 90's and early 2000's, but they could be useful if you need to do a collage...or perhaps write a ransom note.

So, which do you think is more ridiculous: the fact that I've been hoarding these magazines for more than a decade, or the fact that I subscribed to a magazine that was written for fun moms when I was still in my awkward preteen stage? Demographics, schmenographics...


  1. Your little library is so cute, Tara! I have to agree with you that the dream library IS wonderful, although I would add more bookcases, making aisles in the middle...Or have a library like that outrageously huge one in Beauty and the Beast! Ahhhh.
    p.s. neither of those is very ridiculous. :)


  2. Never get rid of a book. Someday you will want it again. Don't pay for it twice.


  3. Thanks, Stacey! I'm definitely going to miss my books when I go off to college.

    Aisles--that's a good idea. :) Did you ever see the movie Inkheart? I loved one of the character's library. I almost cried when it got destroyed by the villains. I agree, though--the one in Beauty and the Beast is the ultimate in library amazingness. :)
