Saturday, July 25, 2009

In honor of cousins... :)

July 25th was Cousin's Day--a very momentous holiday in my family. It's almost as important to us as "Sneak a Zucchini on Your Neighbor's Porch Day" (August 8th--get ready!).

It all started last year. Laura and I found out that it was Cousin's Day, so we used it as an excuse to get together. She came to pick me up...and she was wearing plaid shorts. Coincidentally, I was wearing plaid shoes and a plaid headband, and when Tomas came out of his room to say "hi," it was discovered that he was wearing plaid shorts as well.

We declared plaid the official garb for Cousin's Day. We made sure Jason wore it, too. Leah was on her honeymoon, so we decided she was exempt from participating. Stefan didn't really play along, but we forced him to drape a plaid scarf around his head...

This year, Jason's graduation party fell on Cousin's Day. I told everyone to wear plaid...and even though they complained, everyone did . . . except ONE person. That would be me. Heh. Oops.

Pictures from last year...

I truly believe that you do not know me unless you have seen me with Laura. We speak a different language when we are together. Or at least a different dialect. Our relationship...well, it's sooo spiritual--it's like we're joined at the soul. The soul!!! (Those who haven't seen Tim Hawkin's piece on "Young Love" need to go Google it!) Laura always makes me feel better when I have to do something I don't want to do...and she is the best person to tell my embarrassing moments to, because she understands how painful certain things are and doesn't say things like, "No one will ever remember." (I think that's a lie, but maybe that's because I always remember everyone else's embarrassing moments. I met a priest over two years ago at a rehearsal. His zipper was down the entire time he was on stage, and no one told him. I was hoping his wife would. I certainly wasn't!) Anyway. Back to Laura. She's amazing. :)

Then there's her older brother. Jason is...Jason. If you know him, you understand. If you don't know him, you haven't yet begun to live. He is unlike anyone you will ever meet. Totally insane, but in a good way. Laura, Jason, Tomas, and I make up the Awesome Foursome--also known as "The Only Cousins in Town Who Aren't Married."

Here are some pictures from my scrapbook. Sorry for the bad quality. I didn't feel like scanning them.

This one pretty much defines our early relationship. I was such an attention hog. Laura has forgiven me for being so bratty.

Remember those headbands, Laura?

One of our many sleepovers. One time, I had a play date over at her house. We planned that I would secretly pack like I was going to a sleepover...and when my mom came to pick me up, we BEGGED our moms to let me stay the night. They sighed and said, "But Tara doesn't have her stuff..." I triumphantly pulled my backpack out, and said, "Ha! Yes, I do!" I slept over. :)

Our other tactic was to write our moms a note that generally read:

Dearest Mothers,
Mayest we havest a sleepover? We love each other so much...almost as much as we love you. Won't you please letest us sleepoverest? Your Loving Daughters, Laura and Tara"

We thought added "-est" to the end made things magically more polite.

We got our ears pierced together. Who let me out of the house with that bow? My sense of style has changed slightly since I was ten...

More recently...

Cousin's Day THIS year. We went water-skiing...

The beach at our hotel in Key Largo.

We drove two hours to eat breakfast at this restaurant on the beach. It was so worth it.

Fourth of July!

The night David proposed to Leah. If you think I look frightening in that picture, it's because I was insanely giddy. We were drinking sparkling grape juice, but from the way I was acting, you'd have thought it was straight vodka. I was kinda happy about the whole thing. ;)

The Awesome Foursome in the Southernmost part of the U.S.

If (or more likely "when") I get homesick in Idaho, it'll be these people I think of...



  1. Well, I wasn't wearing plaid either, but I was a little oblivious to what Cousin Day was all about. I guess I'll have to wait until next year to celebrate.... :(


  2. Tara - your words and pictures have brought tears to my eyes - precious memories and words. I look forward to the next time the
    Awesome Foursome gets together!

    Aunt Karen
