Monday, August 10, 2009


What is wrong with me?! I was just spreading mayonnaise on two pieces of bread for a sandwich, and I actually considered going heavy on the mayo and just calling it a day. A mayonnaise sandwich. Happy Tara would think that's vile. Stressed Tara wants five of them, cut on the diagonal please.

Apparently, I crave high-fat foods when I'm stressed. Yesterday, I was filled with the insane urge to squirt the rest of the Reddi-Whip into my mouth. I tried, got it all over my face, and was reprimanded harshly by my little brother for being gross. Um, yeah. When your little brother tells you that you're the gross one, you should probably stop.

If I don't calm down, I won't fit into any of the clothes I packed.

I always freak out right before I go on a trip. The night before I went on my first mission trip, I was literally curled up in a ball sobbing. My coping skills gave gotten a bit better, but I am still incredibly pathetic the night before I go somewhere. I'll probably be fine on the plane. It's just the getting there.

Oh, wow. Praise the Lord. In the middle of writing this post, "Aunt" Cheryl stopped by and brought me my favorite sort of present--the kind you can eat! And guess what?

It's high in fat. YAY! I love you, Aunt Cheryl!! :)

Chocolate-covered potato chips help. A lot.

But my dad still has the flu, and my room is still messy, my bags are bursting at the seams, and there is still a drawer I haven't even looked at. Oh, and library books. Phooey, the library has already closed. I think I had fines there, too. And I was supposed to tell my librarian BFFs goodbye. Bother.

I think I'm going to go stuff my face with more chocolate-covered potato chips.

Pray for my dad, please. This illness must have hit him all of the sudden, because just last night we were joking around and having fun. I was trying to convince him that I absolutely positively NEEDED to pack my pair of two-toned green and brown 4-inch heels, and the argument "But they're sooooo cute!" wasn't working. I even made my lower lip quiver. That bought me my red patent leather flats, but the green shoes are going to just hang out in my closet for a few months. ;) (My dad also tried to test my theory that leaving some things behind was more painful than having my toenails pulled out by a pair of rusty pliers. My quick reflexes saved my big toe.)

Anyway. I just found out about the meteor shower tonight, and with the prime time being between midnight and 4AM, I'm seriously considering not going to bed tonight. I can sleep on the plane, right? :)


  1. :) Glad the choco-chips hit the spot!! I love your writing. It makes me feel like you're right here chatting with me. Can't wait to hear all about Idaho! I love you, Tara!!
    ~Aunt Cheryl

  2. Tara,

    Your mayo-sandwich craving sounds worse than any of my pregnancy cravings! At least you're not like Randy from "Alas Babylon" and eating "cannibal sandwiches" (aka raw ground beef sandwiched between two pieces of bread). Haha... We only have about three chapters left in the book, by the way. It's been fun evening reading.

