Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Week Two

I feel like I've been here forever. Am I really just on Week Two?

Tomorrow is a relatively not-busy day. Goals: Get up. Read City of God. Finish Confessions. Sing in English. Sing in Latin. Speak in Latin. Speak in English. Remember to wash clothes before I run out of...never mind. Think about stuff. Study. Eat three meals. Call my favorite sister. Bond with roommates. Clean room. Swing dance?

The question mark will remain a question mark until I see how much of the preceding items I accomplish.

Yawn. Bedtime.


  1. No wonder you're yawning --it's 2:36AM !
    Waaaaaay past your bed time. Hope you don't sleep through all of those activites planned for today.
    Love you and miss you,

  2. Did you get to go swing dancing?

  3. Glad you're doing a little speaking in English, for good measure.

    Seriously, though, speaking in Latin sounds quite interesting! I expect to hear you say "Bene sum" the next time I talk to you on the phone. :)

