Sunday, August 23, 2009


My dad told me, "I haven't seen a blog post from you in awhile...but no pressure."

Haha, thanks for the gentle reminder, Dad. :)

Sundays are the best days to blog, because they are the only days I don't actually feel guilty for doing something besides school. ;) The reading assignments out here are very...large. I am tempted to complain, but I've learned that a lot of complaining is actually boasting in disguise. "Oh my goodness, I have to read all this stuff. Look at me, being so smart and studious..."

If I had a magical sin-zapper that I could use on myself, I think I would zap away pride. Could someone invent that, please? It would make sanctification so much easier.

(And sadly, I'm oftentimes not being smart or studious. Sure, I'm reading...but am I comprehending? Therein lies the rub.)

I need to get up early to finish some reading tomorrow, so I'd best go to bed. Just wanted to let you know that I'm alive. :)


  1. Tara, I just finished watching the NSA convocation ceremony....what a neat way to start off the semester! I was encouraged by the speeches given by the faculty, and I'm not even a student. :) Great job signing the book, by the way.

  2. Mmhmm, wasn't it great? I was so pumped after hearing all of that. I think I'll need to listen to it mid-term when I start to lag. Thankfully, we get mini pep talks from the teachers, too... :)

    Oh, goodness... I hated signing the book in front of everyone. I just KNEW I was going to trip and fall flat on my face or something. ;)
